Much like, we are always, always, always on the lookout for unsolicited submissions of fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. These can be anything you write, an article, an essay, a rant, a piece of fiction, a poem, a review, literally anything. They can be formal, casual, scholarly or not. A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G. Just be aware, we only publish fiction/poetry at best twice a week, usually only once. So feel free to submit short stories and whatnot, but we also really, really like creative nonfiction.
Please send any submissions to If your piece is under 5,000 words, paste it into the body of an email, after a brief paragraph explaining what it is and who you are. Query for longer pieces (just send an email explaining what your piece is and how long it is, and we'll go from there). Attachments will not be opened unless we specifically ask for them.
Simultaneous subs are OK, but you'll need to let us know if your piece is accepted somewhere else. Our response time will usually be very quick so this shouldn't be a problem.
Forum Seven reserves first electronic publishing rights of anything you submit to us. We also reserve the right to make necessary edits before publishing, but honestly, if something you submit requires a lot of editing before it's publishable, we in all likelihood won't accept it.
We cannot offer payment for pieces at this time. You'll get a bit of exposure and a publishing credit to your name. We do hope to eventually expand and offer contributors some monetary compensation, so if you stick with us there is potential for payment later.
We want to build lasting relationships with writers and authors. If you have three pieces or more published with us, we'll put your name and a bio on our "Hall of Fame" page.
Also, look. We're not perfect. And we get a hell of a lot of submissions, rinky-dink operation though we are. If you don't get a reply, it doesn't mean anything about you. Feel free to send us a query and we'll get back to you. We apologize if you don't hear from us; it doesn't mean we don't like you or your piece was bad, just that we're assholes.
Happy writing!