by Cath Barton
I ain’t never been in a gambling place before, honest. I’ve walked past that place down the High Street so many times and never even thought about it, I don’t even know its name, but then today I’m hanging out with my friend Shirl and she ups and says we should go there.
“Okay”, I says, “you go but I ain’t going, ‘cos what’s the point of wasting your money like that”, and she says I’m chicken, and I’m not having none of that from her, so I goes in after her.
And she walks up to this one-armed bandit and starts pushing in the money and heaving on the handle and I just stands there with my mouth open and I was never going to do it, honest, but all of a sudden the money just starts flooding out of the thing and I’m like “What!” and I know I have to do it too.